Building Information Management, or BIM, is a relatively new concept in the world of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), so it’s understandable that there are many common misconceptions about what BIM is. In today’s blog, we’ll be going over what we think are the myths that are most prevalent about BIM, and explaining what about them makes them myths. Interested in seeing the benefits of BIM in a real-world project? Visit Smarcon’s Projects page to see how we use BIM to execute better, more efficient projects.
Our first myth is perhaps the most pervasive myth, but is simple to disprove. To outside observers, it may seem like BIM is some new type of technology, tool or software when seeing how it’s discussed by industry professionals. The truth is that BIM is more accurately described as a process, or a type of workflow. BIM is a novel way of structuring a construction process that puts emphasis on the accurate sharing of information among all stakeholders using a singular digital model that each stakeholder can access and update.. It’s true that BIM does involve the use of certain technologies or software programs, but not every BIM project utilizes the same technologies.
The second misconception in our countdown is related to the first: those without first hand experience who have heard that BIM is a process, not a technology, may think that it is a rigid structure that is applied to every project the same way. It should be fairly clear after learning a bit more about BIM construction that this is an incorrect assumption. The first step in any BIM-enabled construction project is to create a BIM plan that is customized project-to-project. Even projects that involve building relatively similar buildings may be vastly different on a closer look, so creating a new BIM plan for each project is crucial for ensuring success.
Our third myth to disprove is one that often becomes a roadblock that stops people from integrating BIM into their own construction firms, the idea that BIM is more expensive than traditional methods. When doing research on your own, it’s easy to see why this might be your conclusion upon seeing the prices of software commonly used in BIM construction. Like any other new technique, BIM does have some start-up cost for software licensing and training, but the benefits of BIM greatly outweigh the initial cost. With a bit of research, you can even find resources that offer BIM-enabled software at cheaper prices or are even available for free! Once your firm becomes comfortable using BIM, you’ll find that your projects are more efficient, require less re-working, and produce less waste, reducing costs.
The fourth and final myth about BIM that we’re disproving is that BIM is only useful for large projects. It’s true that larger projects are more complex and require more intensive planning, but at their core, construction projects are often quite similar regardless of size. BIM can improve design efficiency and find a closer project cost estimate no matter the size of your construction project.
Interested in learning more about BIM? Visit Smarcon’s blog to see more informative articles!